Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Farrah Fawcett And Ryan O'Neal Will Get Married

Updated: Farrah Fawcett And Ryan O'Neal Will Get Married
Jun 22, 2009 AT 12:18 pm
Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal, who started dating in 1980 and have a 24-year-old son together, have decided to get married as Farrah continues to deal with cancer.
"I've asked her to marry me, again, and she's agreed," O'Neal, 68, tells Barbara Walters in an exclusive interview on ABC's 20/20, airing Friday, June 26.
"I promise you, we will," he told Walters. "Absolutely."
I used to ask her to marry me all the time," O'Neal tells Walters. "But ... it just got to be a joke, you know. We just joked about it."
Ryan said he has fallen even more in love with Farrah as he has watched her battle cancer. He also said she is currently "fighting for her life."
Whatever makes Farrah happy. They're in my thoughts.
Update: Farrah is reportedly in a southern California hospital. She is expected to leave today.

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